
The Unique Power of Urban Panels in DOOH Advertising

Explore the unique power of urban panels in Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising. From eco-friendly recycling kiosks to high-traffic screens in iconic locations, discover how four distinct media networks are helping brands connect with consumers in dynamic, impactful ways.

The Unique Power of Urban Panels in DOOH Advertising

Urban panels have quickly become one of the most effective tools for engaging consumers in the fast-paced world of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising. Found in high-traffic areas like city centers, shopping hubs, and transit locations, these panels offer brands an opportunity to stand out and communicate directly with people amid their daily lives.

What makes each media network special? Let’s dive into four distinct urban panel networks, each offering its own unique twist on capturing attention and driving action.

Smartify Network: Where Engagement Meets Everyday Life

As you walk down a busy city street, your attention is captured by a dynamic, dual-sided digital panel in the window of a restaurant, salon, or gym. This is the Smartify Network—a platform where brands engage with consumers in real-time, whether they’re passing by on the street or inside the venue. Smartitfy enables brands and local businesses to connect with people on their daily journey, from the street to EV charging stations and retail panels. 

One of the standout benefits of the Smartify Network is the dual-sided nature of these urban panels. On one side, you’re engaging pedestrians—city dwellers who are on the move, exploring their surroundings. The bright, dynamic screens are impossible to miss as people walk by, offering brands a prime opportunity to grab attention and influence decision-making on the spot. A perfectly timed ad for a new skincare product or fitness class could inspire someone to find the nearest store or look it up on their phone as they continue their day.

The beauty of the Smartify Network lies in its placement. These panels are installed in high-traffic urban spots—restaurants, gyms, beauty salons, and more—where people are already in the mood to indulge in food, fitness, or self-care. By advertising in these spaces, brands can deliver hyper-targeted ads tailored to the audience's interests.

Let’s say a gym places a Smartify panel in its window, featuring an ad for new fitness apparel. Pedestrians see it as they walk by, instantly associating the ad with a healthy, active lifestyle. Meanwhile, gym-goers inside are already engaged in that very lifestyle, and the ad feels like a natural extension of their fitness experience.

In today’s fast-paced urban world, consumers are bombarded with ads. The Smartify Network cuts through the noise by placing brands in the perfect location—directly in their path, whether they’re moving through the city or already inside a business. These panels offer a visually appealing, highly relevant way for brands to connect with the people they want to reach most.

Olyns Network: Merging Sustainability with Brand Loyalty

The Olyns Network combines eco-conscious action with advertising by placing sleek, digital recycling kiosks equipped with large, vibrant screens outside major grocery stores. Brands that advertise on these digital kiosks are aligning themselves with the sustainability efforts that consumers are passionate about. And this isn’t just about buying a product—it’s about supporting a brand that shares their values.

Olyns kiosks are more than just a place to recycle—they’re a new, powerful touchpoint for brands to engage with consumers authentically. Positioned in high-traffic grocery locations, these kiosks come with large, digital screens that grab attention and deliver targeted messages. 

Imagine a healthy beverage company advertising on an Olyns kiosk. As someone recycles their bottles, they see a message about the brand’s commitment to using natural ingredients and sustainable packaging. The brand isn’t just promoting their drinks—they’re demonstrating how their values align with the consumer’s actions. It fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. Now, when that shopper goes into the store, it’s not just another beverage brand—it’s their brand, one that resonates with their commitment to health and sustainability.

This type of connection goes beyond a single purchase. It builds brand loyalty, and consumers begin to see the brand as a companion on their journey toward a healthier, greener lifestyle.

The large screens on Olyns kiosks offer a unique opportunity for brands to deliver targeted, meaningful advertisements in a space where people are already engaged with sustainability. Advertising on the Olyns network is a chance to not only promote products but for brands to position themselves as a champion of environmental responsibility. And in today’s world, that matters.

In the world of advertising, moments like these are priceless. Olyns digital recycling kiosks provide the perfect platform to turn sustainable action into brand loyalty, while making sure the message stands out—right where it counts.

Corner Media: High-Impact Advertising with Large-Format and Full Takeovers

Corner Media specializes in delivering high-impact advertising through strategically placed large-format digital screens and urban panels. Whether aiming to engage consumers on busy city streets, in shopping centers, or at an iconic DC location like L’Enfant Plaza, Corner Media’s network ensures brands reach the right audience at the right time, with a perfect blend of high visibility and targeted placement.

In addition to urban panels, Corner Media offers an extraordinary advertising platform at L’Enfant Plaza in Washington, DC.  With its consistently high foot traffic, L’Enfant Plaza is an ideal location for an impactful brand takeover.

Large-Format Spectacular Screen: The crown jewel of L’Enfant Plaza is Corner Media’s massive Indoor digital screen, in a highly trafficked urban environment. Positioned to capture the attention of commuters and pedestrians alike, this screen ensures that your message makes a bold statement. Beyond the large-format screen, Corner Media offers a unique L’Enfant Plaza takeover, where advertisers can dominate the entire space with 15 strategically placed digital screens inside the plaza. This allows for a fully immersive advertising experience, with the brand message surrounding and engaging visitors at every turn.

L’Enfant Plaza is a key commuter hub in Washington, DC, which means ads will be seen by thousands of professionals, tourists, and locals every day. The combination of the large indoor screen and the 15 additional screens creates a lasting impression, reinforcing brand messaging through multiple touchpoints.

The Impact of Urban Panels in Leading Retail Malls and Shopping Centers with Screenverse + TouchSource

These 55” and 65” dual screens are placed in high-traffic spots, meaning ads are front and center as thousands of shoppers search for stores, services, or simply browse. These screens are an opportunity to tell a story and direct people to storefronts or online, when they’re already in a buying mindset. When people are in the mall, they’re already open to making purchases, and brands can speak directly to them at just the right moment. Advertisers can feature dynamic calls to action that push consumers toward immediate purchasing decisions.

LensCrafters has a store inside a busy shopping mall. Running an ad on the digital directory right outside the store—'Need a new pair of glasses? Stop by LensCrafters today for 50% off all frames!'—isn’t just advertising; it’s smart, targeted marketing. This approach places the message directly in front of people who are just steps away, offering a clear benefit that encourages immediate action.

Shoppers are in the decision-making mode, and an ad—whether it’s highlighting a limited-time offer, a new product, or a store event—has the power to drive them to engage with the brand.

Conclusion: The Unique Power of Urban Panels

From high-traffic city streets to bustling shopping centers, each urban panel network brings its own unique advantage. Whether it’s Smartify’s real-time engagement, Olyns’ sustainability focus, Corner Media’s high-visibility locations, or Screenverse + TouchSource shopper-driven approach, these networks highlight the creative versatility that urban panels offer to DOOH. By tapping into the unique strengths of these platforms, brands can connect with consumers in ways that feel personal, impactful, and memorable.


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